Qué domingo tan estupendo tuve ayer! Disfrutando del mar, del sol, un almuerzo maravilloso en buena compañía…
Qué más se puede pedir?
Y aquí os enseño otro outfit marinero, aunque hoy os quiero hablar de mis shorts. Ya sabéis que vuelven los pantalones de talle alto, a mí personalmente me encantan, elegancia retro y un estilo mucho mas cool. Resalta cadera, piernas y cintura. Es de esas prendas que te enamoran, pero tened cuidado con que lo combináis, este tipo de pantalón ofrece muchas posibilidades: camisas, camisetas, chalecos… ¡ojo! nunca tapéis la cintura, porque se perderá todo el encanto!
Y como no hablar de esta fabulosa pamela? Ideal para protegerse del sol y claro, imposible pasar desapercibida!
Por cierto, he recibido varios mensajes preguntándome de dónde son algunas prendas o complementos, lo he explicado pero por si acaso quería comentarles que comparto muchas cosas con mi madre, sobre todo complementos, y muchos de ellos son de tiendas o boutiques locales y otros no nos acordamos de dónde son. Procuraré decirles algunas opciones similares en tiendas más comunes, y si eres de Tenerife, puedes enviarme un correo preguntándome que especifique la tienda y lo haré encantada.
What a great Sunday I had yesterday! Enjoying the sea, the sun, and a wonderful lunch with good company ...
What more could you want?
And here I show you another sailor outfit, but today I want to talk about my shorts. You know that the high-waisted pants have returned, I personally love them, elegance and retro style makes it cool. Highlight hips, legs and waist. It is these clothes that you love. But be careful with it if You combine. These type of pants offer many possibilities: shirts, T-shirts, vests ... but...never cover your waist, because they lose all the charm!
And not to mention this fabulous pamela? Ideal for sun protection and of course, impossible to go unnoticed!
By the way, I have received several messages asking me where are some clothes or accessories, I have explained but just in case I wanted to tell you that I share many things with my mother, especially accessories, and many of them are from local shops and boutiques. I will try to tell some similar options in common shops, and if you are in Tenerife, you can send me an email asking me to specify the store and I will be happy doing it.
What more could you want?
And here I show you another sailor outfit, but today I want to talk about my shorts. You know that the high-waisted pants have returned, I personally love them, elegance and retro style makes it cool. Highlight hips, legs and waist. It is these clothes that you love. But be careful with it if You combine. These type of pants offer many possibilities: shirts, T-shirts, vests ... but...never cover your waist, because they lose all the charm!
And not to mention this fabulous pamela? Ideal for sun protection and of course, impossible to go unnoticed!
By the way, I have received several messages asking me where are some clothes or accessories, I have explained but just in case I wanted to tell you that I share many things with my mother, especially accessories, and many of them are from local shops and boutiques. I will try to tell some similar options in common shops, and if you are in Tenerife, you can send me an email asking me to specify the store and I will be happy doing it.
Shoes (Local shop)
Short (Vintage)
Collar y pulsera (Local Shop)
Bag (Primark)
Me encanta la combinación entre navy y rojo!!!
ResponderEliminarTe ves genial...
Que bonitas fotos!!
ResponderEliminarMe encantan ;)
Un besito.
aspecto elegante
ResponderEliminarMe gusta tu elección!
Hola guapa,
ResponderEliminarte acabo de descubrir y me encanta tu blog. Me ha hecho gracia tu primer post, creo que coincidimos bastante :-D
Me encantan tus looks y bueno, este estilo marinero me encanta, y esa pamela, es total!!!
Estoy enamorada de esa pamela! Besos guapa.
acabo de descubrir tu blog y la verdad es que está genial! te sigo ;)
Anda otro coco jejeje Me pasaré por tu blog ahora mismo! Un saludo! (:
EliminarMe encantan tus looks! Descubrí tu blog por trendtation y me gusta mucho,sigue así!!
ResponderEliminarTe invito a que pases por mi blog